My blood so red
For thee was shed,
Come home again, come home again!
You've gone astray
Out of your way,
Come home again, come home again!
Anonymous, 17th century
Note: We are now on our way back to Tanzania, our other home here on this earth, to encourage the African Church, the Diocese of Victoria Nyanza (Lake Victoria), also known as D.V.N., which we are grateful to have joined with on our Christian walk. Why are we leaving our first home, Christ the King Anglican Church in Casey County, Kentucky, which we are grateful to be one with on our Christian walk? My husband put it this way: "We are called to bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ, as St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians." This is our call, and we are answering this call. Praise be to God!!!!
Note: We are now on our way back to Tanzania, our other home here on this earth, to encourage the African Church, the Diocese of Victoria Nyanza (Lake Victoria), also known as D.V.N., which we are grateful to have joined with on our Christian walk. Why are we leaving our first home, Christ the King Anglican Church in Casey County, Kentucky, which we are grateful to be one with on our Christian walk? My husband put it this way: "We are called to bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ, as St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians." This is our call, and we are answering this call. Praise be to God!!!!