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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Psalm 28: 6-7

Blessed be the Lord, blessed be the Lord,
For He has heard my supplications.
The Lord is my strength; the Lord is my shield.
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.
Therefore my heart rejoices in Him,
And with my song I will praise the Lord.

Blessed be the Lord, blessed be the Lord,
To Thee I cry, O Lord, my Rock.
Hear my voice when I cry to Thee.
My heart trusts in Thee, and I am helped.
Therefore my heart rejoices in Thee,
And with my song I will praise Thy name.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Psalm 136:1

O give thanks unto the Lord,
For He is good,
And His mercy endureth forever. (2 times)

Come, see the goodness of God,
He loves you.
Njoo, tazama Mungu wetu.  (2 times)

Mshukuruni Bwana,
Kwa kuwa ni mwema,
Kwa maana fadhili zake
ni za milele na milele.

Come, see the goodness of God,
He loves you.
Njoo, tazama Mungu wetu.  (2 times)

O give thanks unto the Lord,
For He is good,
For His mercy endureth forever. (2 times)

Note:  Last Saturday morning I asked the Lord for a song, and since I had been studying Psalm 136 in Swahili earlier that morning, the Lord gave me a tune to go with the first verse of this Psalm, incorporating both English and Swahili.  I found this encouraging to my spirit as I sing thanksgiving to God for His infinite goodness, blessing us on this journey to our heavenly home.  God has blessed us with family in East Africa and in rural Kentucky.  Our life in Tanzania is limited to only a few more months, and this limitation is a vivid reminder of the shortness of life here on earth.  Our days are numbered, and it is our heavenly home where there will be no more painful partings.  For now, our task is to love God with all of our being, and give Him our thanksgiving as the psalmist wrote in this psalm and many other psalms.  I love to hear the Africans sing choruses of thanksgiving to God.  They sing with so much energy and enthusiasm.  I thank the Lord for this time he has allowed us to join our brothers and sisters here in Mwanza, Tanzania.

Friday, May 1, 2015


The whole bright world rejoices now,
       Hilariter, Hilariter;
The birds do sing on every bough,
       Alleluya, Alleluya.

Then shout beneath the racing skies,
       Hilariter, Hilariter;
To Him who rose that we might rise,
       Alleluya, Alleluya.

And all ye living things make praise,
       Hilariter, Hilariter;
He guideth you on all your ways,
       Alleluya, Alleluya.

He, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost -
       Hilariter, Hilariter;
Our God most high, our joy and boast,
       Alleluya, Alleluya!

A German Carol - 1623
Oxford Book of Carols

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Servant King

Lord, you laid aside your Cloak of Glory,
   And wrapped Yourself in a towel of humility,
Placed the basin of Your love at our feet,
   Knelt before us on Your knees.

Lord, wash my feet.  Lord, wash my feet.
   Lord, wash my feet.
    I would be a part of Thee.
Let me wash Your feet.  Let me wash Your feet.
   Let me wash Your feet.
    I want to be like Thee.

Lord, You laid aside Your Throne of Glory,
   And took upon Yourself the form of a servant,
Walked the path of obedience to death,
   Even death upon the Cross.

Lord, wash my feet.  Lord, wash my feet.
   Lord, wash my feet.
   I would be a part of Thee.
Let me walk with Thee.  Let me walk with Thee.
   Let me walk with Thee.
   I want to be like Thee.

by Nathan Dunlap, 12-08-2000
John 13: 3-15, Phil. 2:5-11

Note:  Yesterday evening, we sang this song before our foot washing at the Maundy Thursday service.  Since there were only about a dozen people present, we all were encouraged to get our feet washed.  We all went forward and sat on two benches in the front of the church, and our priest and deacon knelt down to wash each of our feet. The deacon said a prayer for each individual as they were washing the person's feet.  I noticed that the water was getting browner with each person, illustrating why Jesus told Peter that if one has bathed, only the feet need to be washed.  We all had cleaned up before church, but just getting to church makes the feet dirty.  The roads are mostly dry and dusty, or muddy if we just had a rain.  So upon entering a house, our feet are always in a need of being washed.  Jesus gave an example for us to follow.  Here in Africa, my husband has washed my feet in the evening, and I have washed my son's feet.  Our feet are always in need of being washed.  Let us serve one another cheerfully!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Where Could I Go?

Living below in this old sinful world,
Hardly a comfort can afford;
Striving alone to face temptations sore,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

   Where could I go, O where could I go;
   Seeking a refuge for my soul?
   Needing a friend to help me in the end,
   Where could I go but to the Lord?

Neighbors are kind, I love them every one,
We get along in sweet accord;
But when my soul needs manna from above,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Life here is grand with friends I love so dear,
Comfort I get from God's own Word;
Yet when I face the chilling hand of death,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Note:  This is an old hymn which we have been singing a lot together as a family, and I find the words running through my head at different times in the night and day.  It is a reminder for us to look to the Lord for help and strength in this life.  He is always ready to take our hand and lead us through any trial we encounter on our earthly pilgrimage.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Prayer for the Divine Indwelling

Lord Jesus, I am longing
   From sin to be set free:
To find my deep desiring
   Forever fixed on thee.
All hope I now abandon
   Myself to conquer sin;
Invade my willing nature
   And come and dwell within.

The passing years oppress me,
   My growth in grace so slow:
My wayward fickle cravings
   Have leagued me to the foe.
Myself to self disloyal,
   I loathe yet love my sin:
Now hear my heartfelt pleading
   And come and dwell within.

If Thou should'st stand close by me
   'Tis more than I deserve;
But, being still outside me,
   From virtue, yet, I swerve.
Come nearer, Lord, than near me,
   My succour to begin:
Usurp the heart that craves Thee!
   O come and dwell within.

By W.E. Sangster, found in The Secret of  Radiant Life, 1957

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Family Prayer - Maombi ya Familia

God made us a family.                          Mungu tufanye kuwa familia.                          
We need each other,                              Tunahitaji wote pamoja,
We love each other,                               Tupendane wote pamoja.
We forgive one another;                          Tusameheane mmoja mmoja;
We work together,                                  Tufanye kazi pamoja,
We play together,                                   Tucheze pamoja,
We worship our Lord together.                 Tumsifu Bwana wetu pamoja.

Together we learn God's Word,               Kwa pamoja tujifunze Maneno ya Mungu,
Together we grow in Christ,                    Kwa pamoja tukuwe ndani ya Kristo.
Together we love all men,                        Kwa pamoja tuwapende watu wote,
Together we serve our God.                     Kwa pamoja tumtumikie Mungu wetu.
Together we reach for heaven,                 Kwa pamoja tufike Mbinguni,
Together we are a family.                         Kwa pamoja tuko familia.

These are our hopes and ideals;                Haya ni matumaini yetu na mfano bora;
Help us to obtain them, O God,                Tusaidie kupata hayo, O Mungu,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord;                Kupitia Yesu Kristo, Bwana wetu;
Who lives and reigns with You,                Anaye ishi na kutawala na wewe,
And the Holy Spirit, One God,                  Na Roho Mtakatifu, Mungu mmoja,
Now and forever, Amen.                            Sasa na hata milele,  Amina.                                              

Parent: Father God,                                    Mzazi:  Mungu Baba
May the spirit of patience                           Fanya roho ya subira
   be upon our hearts;                                       iwe ndani ya mioyo yetu;
And the attitude of respect                          Na mtazamo wa heshima
   within our minds.                                          katika kumbukumbu zetu.
May the law of kindness                              Fanye sheria ya wema
    be upon our tongues;                                    iwe ndani ya ndimi zetu;
And the touch of gentleness                        Na kugusa kwa upole
    within our hands.                                          katika mikono yetu.
All:  Amen.                                                  Wote:  Amina.

Note:  I found this prayer when we were packing up all our things to get ready to return to Tanzania, and I brought three copies along with us.  Now my husband has agreed to include it in our morning prayers during the Christmas season, and hopefully longer.  I have been thinking about the gift of family in life.  Family is the place that we learn and grow.  It is the place that we are challenged to increase in virtues and to work to overcome vices.  I am very thankful for the family God has placed me in, and I find this simple prayer a recognition of the way family life helps to prepare us for heaven, when we all will be united as a family, for we are children of God. Since we have Tanzanian children join us sometimes during morning prayers, we are learning this prayer in Swahili also.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Prayer for This New Year

O Lord, the years are slipping by,
   Our journey once seemed long;
This life on earth: a breath, a sigh,
   Eternal life: a hymn, a song.

O Lord, wherever I may be,
   I want You first; O bring me back.
I consecrate my life to Thee;
   Set me on the narrow track.


Note added on 1-16-2015:  This morning I read another prayer in a devotional book I am reading called My Daily Bread by Anthony J. Paone, S.J., Confraternity of the Precious Blood, 1954. I see that this second prayer goes along with the prayer I wrote for this new year.
Here is the prayer:
   "My Jesus, in You I place all my hopes and desires.  To You I offer all my sorrows, trials, and disappointments.  Let me never treasure what can take me away from You, nor desire anything which can keep me from doing Your holy Will.  No friend nor any created thing can take Your place in my life.  Stay with Me and teach me how to live my life in union with You.  Enlighten me, strengthen me, and correct me, so that I may seek You first and love You above all else.  Amen."