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Sunday, November 13, 2011

All Saints

Behold the saints of old,
Mere men like you and I.
Yet noble knights unfold -
Such deep devotion lifted high.

Dying to self''s demands;
Faithful to God's commands

Like a farmer's windswept field -
Bowing stalks of wheat - God's plan.
Abundant harvest they yield;
Grace and goodness guiding humble man.

Dying to self''s demands;
Faithful to God's commands

Hallowed heads are bowed in humility;
Stalwart hearts are raised in worship.
Loyal lives respond to  God's mercy;
Noble deaths reveal God's Kingship.

by Julie Dunlap  11-9-2011

November 1st is All Saints Day, a day to remember the noble company of Saints who have faithfully lived their lives and passed on the Faith to us. 

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