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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Your Holy Spirit Blows Over this Earth

On Your last days on earth you promised
To leave us the Holy Spirit as our present Comforter.

We also know that Your Holy Spirit blows over this earth.
But we do not understand Him.
Many think He is only wind or a feeling.

Let Your Holy Spirit break into our lives.
Let Him come like blood into our veins,
So that we will be driven entirely by Your will.

Let Your Spirit blow over wealthy Europe and America,
So that men there will be humble.
Let Him blow over the poor parts of the world,
So that men there need suffer no more.
Let Him blow over Africa,
So that men here may understand what true freedom is.

There are a thousand voices and spirits in this world,
But we want to hear only Your voice,
And be open only to Your Spirit.

from An African Prayer Book by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, copyright 1995

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