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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Seeking the Truth

To travel this world over;
This desire burns in her heart.
She wants to experience,
                 to learn,
                 to grow.

Yet the flame is smothered by fear.
She becomes dizzy as she gazes
Over the steep climb she has managed,
                 by the thought of falling.

Sure enough, she begins to fall,
Tumbling downwards
On this well established slide.

Looking up, she can hardly believe
She was just near the crest
Only an eye's blink ago.

Everything is fuzzy as she peers out
Through tears
That will not shed.

Heaviness weighs her down,
And it takes some time
Even to stand up.

Once on her feet,
She wonders if it is worth trying again.
Her dreams seem lost.

Up over the crest,
A ray of light is shattered
By the thick mist.

It seems so far away,
But essential for life;
So she begins her journey
              once again.

by Julie St. John,  January, 1986

Note:  I wrote this as a young, single person.  I had a desire to work overseas, to give my life for the poor of this world.  Yet, I lacked confidence and stability.  Many years have passed, and now I am a middle-aged mother of six children who are growing up so fast.  The Lord, in His kindness and love, has provided opportunity for us to work overseas, to give our life for the poor of this world.  We thank Him for opening the way to return to Tanzania for a two-year period.  We pray that we will be of use to the Lord in sharing Christ with our African brethren.  We pray that our grown children will know the vocation that God is calling them to pursue, and that He will guide their lives step by step just as He has guided our lives through these many years.  It is not easy to leave our home here in rural Kentucky, but we are thankful for this opportunity to be a blessing to the African church in the Diocese of Victoria Nyanza (Lake Victoria).

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