Come, let us sing;
Let us sing unto the Lord,
Let us shout for joy to the God of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving in our hearts,
And a loud shout to Him with psalms.
For the Lord is a great God,
And a great King above all other gods.
In His hands are the caverns of the earth,
And the heights of the hills are His also.
The sea is His for He made it,
And His hands have molded the dry land.
Come, let us bow down;
Let us bow and bend the knee,
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker.
For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture.
Oh, that today, you would hearken to His voice,
You would hearken to the voice of the Almighty.
Note: Today is the first day Advent, and therefore the beginning of a new church year. Today an elder from our church shared this piece of wisdom. He said that he wondered if one is always thankful to the Lord, that one would be praying without ceasing. What better way to pray than to be constantly thankful, no matter the circumstance, trusting God each step of the way! This is what I want to strive to live. I love Psalm 95, and find myself singing this song often. May it be ingrained in my innermost spirit.
I was sharing the tune God gave me for this psalm with my husband in downtown Mwanza. It was a pleasant time to share this song, and he joined in and sang with me. We were sitting out a sudden rain and many people were hurrying by to get to shelter. Though it was raining, it was not cold. I thank the Lord for giving me the desire of my heart, bringing our family to a busy city in Africa. It was wonderful, and I know I am loved by the King of Kings. My heart bursts into songs of thanksgiving to God.
My goal is to be a thankful person. I want to be thankful where I am, and to be thankful for the people I am privileged to live with, those I worship with, those I meet each day. Each person is a gift from God to cherish and love. Thanks be to God!!!
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