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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Psalm 24: 7-10

Lift up, O gates, Lift up;
Lift up your lintels.
Reach up, you ancient portals
That the King of Glory may come in.

Who is this King of Glory?
Who is this Mighty King?
He is the Lord, strong in battle;
He is the Great I Am.

Lift up O gates; Lift up;
Lift up your lintels.
Reach up, you ancient portals
That the King of Glory may come in.

Who is this King of Glory?
Who is this Mighty King?
He is the Lord of Hosts;
He is the Great I Am.

Note:  "Your lintels" literally means 'your heads'.  The gates to the temple were thought to be too low for the King of Kings, the Lord Almighty, to enter.  So what does this mean for us today?  Perhaps it would say for us to lift up our heads in trust and adoration in the Lord, that our eyes be fixed on God, not the things of this world. The King came as a lowly babe in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem.  He humbled Himself so he could unite Himself with His people. He came to show us true humility and pure love, untainted by self interests.  We are to learn from this gentle King and embrace His way of the Cross, lifting up our heads in complete trust.

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